Nothing against Barack Obama, but I find this whole situation hilarious:
When asked about Hillary Clinton during an October 16, 2007, MSNBC interview, Lynne Cheney said that she had a "certain bias" as "Dick [Cheney] and Barack Obama are eighth cousins." When asked if that meant that she was supporting Senator Obama, Cheney replied, "No."
"The Obama campaign's response? 'Every family has a black sheep.'"
Cheney was on MSNBC plugging her new book, Blue Skies, Open Fences. When she appeared on the Daily Show on October 10, Cheney claimed that there have been no terrorist attacks against the United States or American interests since 9/11. When Jon Stewart mentioned the bombings in Madrid and London, Cheney argued that these attacks on our allies' capitals did not count because "we were talking about American interests." The audience booed. Watch it:
1 comment:
what a cwazy lady.
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